Other Ways You Can Help
Thanks for wanting to help Southpaw helps dogs!
Your support is the backbone to animal advocacy. There are so many different ways to help us.
Do you shop on Amazon? AmazonSmile is a way you can support Southpaw Rescue every time you shop with Amazon, at no additional cost.
How to use AmazonSmile on a web browser:
Visit smile.amazon.com
Sign in with the same account you use for Amazon.com
Select your charity
Start shopping! Remember to checkout at smile.amazon.com to generate donations for your chosen charity.
Tip: Add a bookmark to make it easier to shop at smile.amazon.com.
How to use AmazonSmile using the Amazon app on your mobile phone:
Open the Amazon Shopping app
Navigate to the main menu (=)
Tap on Settings and then select “AmazonSmile”
Select your charity and then follow the on-screen instructions to turn ON AmazonSmile in the mobile app
Once AmazonSmile has been activated in your app, future eligible app purchases will generate a donation for the charity you have selected.
Note: The tablet app is not yet supported. Please visit smile.amazon.com/onthego to learn more.
Help Southpaw by purchasing or donating lightly used items from our Wishlist: